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Polls » water colour

water colour

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ok so does the colour of the water u fish in have any effect on the amount of fish u catch ? if yes plse state wich is ur favourate colour and why
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  • jessie lal in trinidad we get lots of diff types of water and there colours at diff times of the year because were on the tide line of the water that is running from the orinoco river in guyana south america and some water brings alot of fish and some bring almost...  more
  • terry quinn the colour of the sea has a great effect where i come from , when the sea has been rough we get brown sandy waters but plenty of food , when calm we tend to get more bottom feeders like dab and soul....
  • terry quinn sorry i meant sole
  • jessie lal nice ty for the comment,we seem to get nothing in clear waters here the best water here in kind of golden wen u look at it from wat the prop.is pushing